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Slider is used to let users make selection from a range of values


Slider can be created by calling Lydie.Components.Controls.Slider:

local sliderValue = Fusion.Value(0)

Lydie.Components.Controls.Slider {
    Value = sliderValue, -- (1)!
    Stepper = 10,

    print("Slider value changed to ", sliderValue:get())
  1. Slider does not provide a function that will be invoked on slider value change, you can manually attach a Fusion.Value into the properties table as ["Value"], and observe the changes using Fusion.Observer.


Name Description Required Default
Value The value user is selecting in the slider ❌ Fusion.Value(0)
Stepper The stepper portions of the slider. If set to 0, the slider will become indiscrete. ❌ Fusion.Value(5)
Position The relative position of the slider ❌ UDim2.fromOffset(0, 0)
Width The width of the slider ❌ 200