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This component uses code from AmaranthineCodices's Shadow component in MIT-licensed roact-material, see Shadow.lua.

Shadow is a stack of three shadow images of different properties to emulate the physical properties of shadow in real life. This is often used to show the hierarchy of an object in visual ways.


Shadow can be created by calling Lydie.Components.Shadow:

Lydie.Components.Shadow {
    Elevation = Value(Constants.Elevation[4]),
    ZIndex = 0,
    Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),


Name Description Required Default
Size The size of the shadow ❌ UDim2.fromScale(1, 1)
ZIndex The Z index of the shadow ❌ 1
Elevation The elevation index of the shadow. You should use Constants.Elevation enums. ✅ NaN