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TextField is an extension of the existing TextBox class from Roblox. TextField provides more expressive styling and accessibility features, such as proper cursor support.


TextField can be created by calling Lydie.Components.Controls.TextField:

Lydie.Components.Controls.TextField {
    PlaceholderText = "Type me!"

    OnTextChanged = function(text)
        print("Changed to: " .. text)


Name Description Required Default
ForegroundColor Foreground color of the TextField, used to color the outline when active ❌ Scheme.Accent
Text The text string of the TextField. ❌ ""
PlaceholderText The placeholder text string of the TextField. ❌ "Click to type
LayoutOrder The layout order of the button, used in a UIListLayout/UIGridLayout ❌ 1
ZIndex The Z index of the button, used to show hierarchy of the button. ❌ 1
Position The relative position of the button ❌ UDim2.fromScale(0, 0)
Size The size of the button ❌ UDim2.fromOffset(200, 42)


Name Description Required
OnClick: () -> () A function invoked when MouseButton1Up is fired, where a user clicks the button and releases ❌
OnTextChanged: (text: string) -> () A function invoked when Text is changed ❌